Our Classroom Procedures
Classroom Behavior Plan
Students at Washington are expected to follow the RESPECT code by demonstrating:
Responsibility, Etiquette, Safety, Pride, Encouragement, Character and Teamwork at all times
Consequences for Violating the RESPECT Code
Verbal Warning
Visual Warning (move clothespin)
Behavior Report
Recess Detention
Office Referral
The following subjects are taught and given a grade on report cards: Reading, Writing, Math, Science and Social Studies
Grading Scale:
100-90 = A
89-80 = B
79-70 = C
69-60 = D
59 and below = F
Homework Policy:
I consider homework to be important because it reinforces the concepts we learn in class. The amount may vary on a nightly basis. Students will usually have time to
finish their homework at school. Grades for homework assignments will be earned using the following system:
-Homework that is turned in on time with at least 80%
accuracy receives a “+” (10 points)
-Homework that is turned in late with at least 80%
accuracy will receive 8 points.
-Homework that is turned in with less than 80%
accuracy receives a “-“ (7 points)
- Homework that is not turned in will receive a “0” (no credit)
Assignment Notebooks and Behavior Reports
At the end of each day the students will fill out their assignment notebook with the assignments for the day. I will add a behavior report if there were any problems during the
school day. The assignment notebook will come home with the homework and should be checked by a parent to verify that there were no behavior problems that day and that all homework was completed. A parent may sign or initial the assignment notebook once all of the homework is finished. Please feel welcome to write notes to me in the assignment notebook.
Students at Washington are expected to follow the RESPECT code by demonstrating:
Responsibility, Etiquette, Safety, Pride, Encouragement, Character and Teamwork at all times
Consequences for Violating the RESPECT Code
Verbal Warning
Visual Warning (move clothespin)
Behavior Report
Recess Detention
Office Referral
The following subjects are taught and given a grade on report cards: Reading, Writing, Math, Science and Social Studies
Grading Scale:
100-90 = A
89-80 = B
79-70 = C
69-60 = D
59 and below = F
Homework Policy:
I consider homework to be important because it reinforces the concepts we learn in class. The amount may vary on a nightly basis. Students will usually have time to
finish their homework at school. Grades for homework assignments will be earned using the following system:
-Homework that is turned in on time with at least 80%
accuracy receives a “+” (10 points)
-Homework that is turned in late with at least 80%
accuracy will receive 8 points.
-Homework that is turned in with less than 80%
accuracy receives a “-“ (7 points)
- Homework that is not turned in will receive a “0” (no credit)
Assignment Notebooks and Behavior Reports
At the end of each day the students will fill out their assignment notebook with the assignments for the day. I will add a behavior report if there were any problems during the
school day. The assignment notebook will come home with the homework and should be checked by a parent to verify that there were no behavior problems that day and that all homework was completed. A parent may sign or initial the assignment notebook once all of the homework is finished. Please feel welcome to write notes to me in the assignment notebook.